gender queer CULTure.

Today I received my first hard copy of SCUM Manifesto.  I’ve read it online before, but decided it was one of the best things I ever read and wanted to honor it with a place on my top shelf.

Having already read SCUM Manifesto before, I was (initially) pleasantly surprised to find that the version I bought had a Forward written, and I curiously read through it.  What I read started out strong, but a couple pages in devovled into gender queer bullshit.  The writer (Michelle Tea) starts off telling us about how after finding out that her “cool guy” step-father was spying on her in her bedroom and bathroom through tiny holes in the walls.  After which her mother “stood by her man” and defended him.  After she ran away to live with women.  After she exclaims her understanding of how men wage war on women in so many ways, even writing… “A man could move into a family and [violate] the daughters for years and when the truth comes out, nothing really happens…He [stays] and the daughters have to flee.  He keeps the wife [that] the daughters will never again be able to trust as a mother.  He came into the family like an invasive parasite, killed it, and inhabited its dead body” (bolds mine). Then she explains how she, at one point, was seriously considering blowing up a frat house because “going totally fucking insane is a completely rational outcome for an intelligent woman in the society“.  After all that…..she then takes a severely sharp left turn and basically thanks gender queer/dyke culture for preventing her from becoming like Valerie Solanas.   PREVENTING her from being a radically thinking, feeling, and acting woman.

I think that says it right there.  Gender queer culture STOPPED her.  She seems convinced that she was saved from tragedy.  But the tragedy is that she was (like many women) re-captured while on the brink of doing the one thing in this world that is the most “evil” thing a woman under patriarchy could do (second only to abortion or infanticide).  The one thing we probably should do because I just don’t see our freedom happening without it.

Gender queer CULTure does diddly squat to challenge, or undermine, or fight, or escape patriarchy.  It lives cozy, right smack in the heart of patriarchy.  It does nothing to reveal men’s lies.  It only piles more lies on top of the standard lies.  It doesn’t SEE with clear vision what MEN ARE and what MEN do TO WOMEN.  It just uses smoke and queer-ors to obscure WHO is MAN or WOMAN.  Who is victim, and who is assailant?  Who is parasite, and who is host?  Gender queer CULTure wants us to be confused and not notice who is who, or at least pretend to be confused and oblivious.  But it does not want us to be so confused and oblivious as to ACTUALLY break free of the double standards that our subconscious still employs.  In fact, Gender queer CULTure is COUNTING on that subconscious training to do its job, keep the women vagina-havers subordinated to the men  people with very important dainty penis feelings.

In other (actual) words, gender queer CULTure serves men.  It’s only slightly better at obscuring that fact than its conservative or macho CULTure counterparts.

At least macho male CULTure is mostly honest about what it is and what its values are.     And I am glad for its audacity because it allows me to see with unclouded vision WHAT men are, and calibrate my understanding, calculate my strategies.  Macho male CULTure be telegraphin’ like a mofo.  And when you point out what macho male CULTure is doing, it basically employs the narcissistic defense mechanisms of a neanderthal, saying “yea, so?” or “no I’m not…YOU are” or “shut up bitch, I’ll (insert violent threat)”. And then just continues on with business as usual.

Gender queer CULTure is a slightly sneakier beast that uses cheap carnival tricks and jargon confetti to distract, dazzle, disarm, and confuse.  And the more you try to point out what it’s doing, the more you help it learn new tricks, the better it gets at con-ing.   I can see what gender queer CULTure is doing despite the smoke and queer-ors, but every time I stumble across it again, this ever-evolving beast seems to have learned a new trick or two, co-opted and contorted more words, and swallowed up a new sector of would-be radical thinking women.

11 thoughts on “gender queer CULTure.

  1. Scum manifesto was so honest and such raw honesty is so rare. There’s nothing really like it out there because even when women are saying mostly the same things they don’t just come out and say it so bluntly. There’s too much worry about hurting feelings and offending to really get to the heart of anything.

    I keep thinking about the opening, that life in this society is at best an utter bore and nothing is relevant to women. Truer words were never spoken, the best we can hope for is to be bored out of our minds! They take all the mysteries of life and turn it into a dull monotonous ordeal to learn about and everything is made into something so abstract as to be meaningless. We have so much fascinating knowledge available but all the wonder of exploring our existence is replaced with pretentious crap so men can feel like they are better than each other. I have spent my life painfully bored at times when I wasn’t experiencing actual pain from something horrible. I always escaped into reading and saw so many different realities through books and then through the internet. I’m so tired of living life among robotic braindead people.

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    1. I use to be of the belief that boredom is a luxury. I’m still of that belief, however, I’ve had to ‘good fortune” in recent years to be comfortbale and safe enough in my life that I can now experience true BOREDOM. yay.
      It IS excruciating. It’s agonizing. That;s the best men’s world has to offer. I’m working toward my own jumping off point/jumping out point. Letting my mind have the space and silence it needs to connect up with the larger possibilities, and just allowing myself to enjoy THAT reality, the one I get to create in my mind’s eye.

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      1. Yes the only realities I’ve truly loved are the ones I’ve created in my mind. I’ve had plenty of individual experiences that I loved and the presence of people and animals I love has brought lots of joy. But overall.. this sucks. Boredom absolutely is a luxury and that’s sad that that’s pretty much the best we can hope for that men will be boring us to tears instead of raping or beating us.

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      2. I’m in the least pain I have been in years and life is less chaotic than it has been in years and the boredom is already setting in. Finding these blogs has done so much for me mentally as I was on the verge of breaking down when I discovered this community of women coming here to talk about actual real things.

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      3. It truly is incredible. To find this small collection of women…we find each other, and to spin and spiral with each other…Mary Daly talks about it a lot, but I never thought I’d experience it. I truly cherish and respect the hell outta the realness of all the women who we are talking with on our blogs. I’m so glad I found it. Having experienced it, it can never be taken away from me now. I will always know that THIS is reality.


      4. OMG yes. This is so much more real than anything else in life, these connections with other women willing to just talk about truth when everything else is so artificial all around us. Living in a made up reality with fake people has worn me down so much. I thought the only “feminism” that existed today was commercials selling “empowerment.” Until I came across all this secret knowledge hidden away in plain sight. It was such a journey getting here and when I first stumbled upon these blogs the ones I found were all ghost blogs, long since abandoned before I ever found them. I read them for over a year before I even got to any actual people still there.

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      5. Me too! I remember reading through the comments sections of FCM from like 5 years ago and I was so sad at the time that I missed it all, but obviously so excited that women were having these conversations at all at some point in time. But now here we are. It could only be better if it were in person in a place in nature away from men and there garbage cities/suburbs. But maybe in time. There are many practical and wise reasons for not rushing into all that.


      6. I want some beautiful quiet land where I can be in nature so badly. Ever since I really understood things, how we have been fenced into cites away from nature and unable too live off the land, I have been looking at how to get some place that I can be somewhat free at least. There’s so many laws and restrictions to keep us trapped here and so hard to figure out how everything works. It’s so bizarre when I think about it how I have to pay someone to just exist on the planet somewhere because men went around saying everything is theirs already.


  2. Education is so much indoctrination if you just absorb it as is and don’t take it with a grain of salt. Men’s way of thinking is always religious. Everything has to be put into rigid knowable categories. It doesn’t matter if the “knowledge” keeps changing or is nonsensical as long as they can rigidly categorize everything. And if course it has to be of benefit to them to be considered real. Science really is just another religion. The scientists are no different than the priests. They all believe they know everything and that everything revolves around dick.

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    1. I was just talking with a friend of mine about this very issue with ‘science’. The ideology called “science’. It has this built in assumption that “if something can’t be measured and quantified by OUR (crude and retarded) instruments, then it’s not real.” frickin asinine.

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      1. It has the same worldview too. Everything must revolve around dick and men must give each other praise and rewards on how great they are, while also “proving” the ways in which women are inferior.

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